Почтовые марки стран Северной Европы / поштові марки Північної Європи (Скандинавія і острови)
Postage stamps of North European countries / timbres-poste d'Europe du Nord (Scandinavie et les îles)
Briefmarken Nordeuropa (Skandinavien und Island) / sellos del Norte de Europa (Escandinavia y las islas)
Francobolli dei paesi dell`Europa Nord / selos do Norte da Europa (Escandinávia e ilhas)
UK (United Kingdom Of Great Britain & Nothern Ireland)
Bernera Islands, Scotland U.K. There is an island called "Great Bernera" in the Western Isles of Scotland (with a population of about 300) that is reached by a short bridge from the Isle of Lewis. Plus a very small islet called "Little Bernera". The first labels were produced by the Laird of the islands - Le Compte Robin de la Lanne Mirrlees - in the 1960's or 1970's. The present day labels being offered are bogus, as the islands currently do not have or need a local post.
Eynhallow (Holy Island), Orkney Islands, Scotland U.K.
Staffa, Scotland U.K. An uninhabited island according to a local Sottish travel guide.